Rantings from the edge...

Tales from the crappy side of things...can you curse while shittin'? believe me, it's worth the trouble...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This stinking feeling...

My life has never been TOO complicated...until now. I mean, I was this chillin' kinda girl with a "nevahmind attitude" and now, Im one mundane askawabee trying to seek something stupid in this crappy shit hole. There are moments when I want something done according to its designated plan and the next thing I know, WHAT THE F@#K?!!! Why is this thing happenin' to me again??!! GAWD! I just wish I would teleport myself to some other dimension and begin a new page of my life. A lot of my clicks keep tellin' me that its just natural. Everybody gets through that phase in life where you are down the slumps and you try to find answers eventhough its a complete waste lookin' for it. You would even go down on your knees and raise both your hands and ask "WHY OH WHY??!" its just like in the movies yah know...heeheh! I have been lookin' for answers...yeah I have been...some of it are partially answered and some are not. It pissess me off when this feeling rushes back again and again and again. Usually, I just stare at this huge vast of nothingness until I bore myself to death. My aunt even made an odd suggestion that I should go to a Psychiatrist??? ME??! SEE A SHRINK???!! I mean I may be a crazy person but seeing a shrink is kinda extreme dotcha think? seeing a shrink wont solve anything about my troubled self...I need to do this on my own. Although it may take a few years to pick up those broken pieces and put them all together again... at least...its worth the wait.

This is really a shit hole yah know...REALITY REALLY BITES YAH ASS :D

Posted by Nefarious One :: 8:01 AM :: 0 Comments:

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