About Me
Name::Nefarious One
From::cebu city, Philippines
I breathe...I feel...like any other human being livin' the crappy life called REALITY. Cursing would be an understatement...ONLY when the occassion calls for it. I survived atrocities and human torment...when shit happens, I just laugh and don't give a flying fart. Rules are a bunch of bullshit...its just humor that is half meant true but who cares?! I can be bad as I wanna be but, geezz I still possess a shred of kindness in me . CAUTION: being remorseful is out of the question...
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Things that make you go hmmmm...
Shitty stuff that I do for nothing...
OMG! I'm bloggin' again...
Incoherent thinking...
A little disappointing...
Rockstar Supernova...woohoo!
Emancipation from boredom...
Ne-Yo is soooo HOT...teehee
Spook-ish fun...I hate it when I'm scared...*teehee
Got a crib to crash? ;p
Picky Picky Picky...I choose icky....huh?!
Nyah nyah nyah...BLAAAHHHH!!!
Nonesense Blahs
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Flayed Soul
I am only Human
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Rockstar Supernova...woohoo!
Rockstar: Supernova...new band, new contestants and a lead singer position is up for grabs. The last season was dopey well...pretty much predictable coz I know JD Fortune will win for the lead part in INXS. A filipino, Mig Ayesa made it through to the finals and he had a concert with Constantine of American Idol last year in Cebu. Wasn't able to watch but hoo well...BLAH! This seasons contestants are not that kick ass unlike the previous but hey! we will never know...they might improve or something. I have my bets :D heheh! and a big bugger...soo annoying...sorry bitch! heheh!for more FYI go to the official website Rockstar: Supernova
From left to right: Ryan Star, Dana Andrews and Josh Logan
Click here for there video Ryan Star's performance Dana Andrew's performance Josh Logan's Performance
SO-SO ONE'S...but I like 'em
Left to right: Jill Gioia and Magni Asgeirsson
Click here for there video Jill Gioia performance (in this video, Zayra Alvarez is totally pissed coz she and Jill are in the bottom three. She sang this song on the first and man! Jill can sing it better...teehee) Zayra's Version Magni Asgeirson's performance
Zayra Alvarez The latin girl with goth flava...nyerk
Click here for her video Zayra's performance
and last...the most scarey contestant that I like to watch...eheheh! really she is scary...but what do yah know, she got an encore with this performance...hehehe!Tommy Lee wasn't able to talk...he was speechless...ehehehe!
Dilana Robichaux
Click here for her video Dilana's performance
For the rest of the contestants that I didn't include in my list, just go to the website Rockstar: Supernova
Posted by Nefarious One ::
2:04 AM ::
Say your shit here…
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Emancipation from boredom...
I have been thinking of transferring my blog...don't wanna risk another spamming here...heheheh! So far, I have been importing my entries to this another neato blog site that my friend Chas told me about. It's actually nice and safe too :D no spam galore heheheh! Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to redesign the template co'z I got deadlines to meet and whatever shit...but in time I will finish it...patience is a virtue teehee! but I'm keeping my livejournal though :D so wanna keep it.
I beginning to feel homesick all of sudden. I was at the mall yesterday to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. And oh! FYI, the movie rocks :D can't wait for the part 3...Captain Jack Sparrow rocks my world!! hehehehe! after the movie flick...I passed by this arcade place they have just like timezone and I saw this familiar machine "Drum Mania". As far as I can remember, I'm good at banging the damn stick hehehe! unlike someone I know...(sorry Jay if I'm going to mention this...) breaking the sticks to pieces would be the last option to annoy somebody for watching you play...FIRE IN THE HOE! gawd I love playin' drum mania...and dance freak too :D oh well, everything will have to wait 'til next year :D
And ohh...got some recent edits from places that I've been too...can't get enough of clicking here and clicking there yah know...eheheh! and don't think I'm morbid just because I took a picture of a graveyard...owkie? ;p
Posted by Nefarious One ::
4:24 AM ::
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